Thursday, March 21, 2013

Brie by Red

While I was not ignorant to the world of the D/s "world" I was not as educated as I feel I am after reading Brie's journey learning how to submit.  This beautiful story by Red Phoenix goes through Brie's time of being scouted for the submissive learning center and her trials and tribulations of learning how to be the "perfect" submissive.  She has two other classmates, Lea and Mary, and their experiences are shared somewhat in the story as well.

I think the way Red has each written this journey is encouraging for those who are seeking to understand what they need in their life.  Some D/s relationships are 24/7 some are not.

You can find Brie on Amazon or Barns & Noble.  She's in eBook or paperback.  Please leave a comment and let me know how you enjoyed this journey!

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